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Sunday, 1 November 2020

Dizstruxshon & Industry







  1. Replies
    1. thank you m8 i do have alot more to go up but got so meany reqests with work its hard to keep up but trying m8 .. i wont stop we rise as one =)

  2. Replies
    1. thnx m8 alot of time is spent on editing to make the sound better with both sides going into one mix can be easy some times and a right pain in other times with a mc goin constently i can mc but short sweet going with be beat

  3. Replies
    1. so sorry m8 just seen the message .. it is on its way every one is helping out got 10000s of tape ripps to sort out inc my own if u look on the panic bord the up dates will be there just sorting out some tape rips from my m8 nick hes sent me to ripp to cd packs for him so soo as i have finished that i will try cross fingers get all the 1992 stuff up with this month .11.09.2022
